CREAtive leadership programs
SININGSKWELA are two Filipino terms combined together that literally means ART SCHOOL. It is a creative leadership program that started in 2017. It is designed for the benefit of public school systems in the country particularly for the MAPEH (Math, Arts and Physical Education & Health departments of the participating schools. It uses art to give a holistic experience for artists, educators, and the youth
The program gathers educators and artistically inclined students for a forum, workshop and art contest. It maximizes the role of creativity in instilling leadership among the young; and upskill educators. It is also a venue for different stakeholders to participate and build a sturdy foundation for meaningful partnerships through art.
Today, we are running the program continuously with the Department of Education through its various Divisions of Schools Office and Buenas Artes Art facility, the father of Philippine Art workshops, Renowned Artist Philippine Maestro Fernando Sena and other Filipino professional artists.